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November 2022 Astrology Forecast

Writer: AngelicaAngelica

Hope you lovelies had a splendid Halloween, Samhain, Dia de los Muertos, etc.! Now that the spooky season is transitioning onward… It’s time for another astrology forecast!

October had a lot of focus on re-evaluating our relationships - with others, certainly, but also with ourselves and with our passions. Scorpio made sure we delved deep into those relationships, beyond the initial honeymoon phase. You may have felt yourself asking, “What makes this relationship worthwhile?” “Is this for my greater good?” or “What do I love about this?” This is all Scorpio’s way of really testing our relationships and seeing where the faults and fissures might lie. Whether you were struck with a rekindled passion in your life or realized that things were no longer healthy or worthwhile for you, we now move from Scorpio’s intense depth into Sagittarius’ climb upward.

The end of October also brought about Mars Retrograde in Gemini. We may find ourselves feeling burned out from battle after battle, or a desire to continue pushing forward even though our bodies and minds need the rest. In Gemini, this can then lead to some snippy or tactless words - particularly but not limited to online and on social media. Remember to slow down and save that fighting spirit for things that truly matter, rather than feeding the internet trolls or the crabby family members this holiday! This activation of energy and how we spend it will stick around until January 2023.

As for November, things are looking a little lighter than last month! We step into the month with a sense of clarity and moving forward. The month starts out with a Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus featuring a Mercury Cazimi, which might feel a little heavy but gives us some much-needed closure to eclipse season. Mercury, Venus, and the Sun will then move hand-in-hand out of Scorpio and into adventurous Sagittarius. Toward the end of the month, Jupiter also stations direct. All in all, we seem to be moving into winter with a newfound optimism and “jolliness” that I think we could all use about now!


Nov. 8th - Total Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Square Saturn in Aquarius | Conjunct Pluto in Taurus | Conjunct the North Node

On October 25th, we were presented with some new revelations regarding our Taurus/Scorpio transformative journey - now, we’re finally seeing some results. You may find that you are finally recognized around this time for a personal “level up” you’ve been working toward since last month, or even since the last eclipse season in these signs back in May. This is a time of emotional release, particularly surrounding things we have been cultivating and things that made us feel comfortable. Moreover, this eclipse is happening conjunct Pluto and square Aquarius, so there may be an air of “burning it all down in order to rebuild the structures anew.” It might feel like destroying something we’ve poured a lot of energy into, but if that wasn’t something safe or healthy, this eclipse can feel like a release and a fresh start.

Nov. 8th - Mercury Cazimi in Scorpio

In addition to this eclipse, our fleet-of-foot messenger of the planets is in the spotlight. This is a time of big “Eureka!” realizations in regard to our shadowy side. This placement is directly opposite the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, so those realizations might be at odds with what we’re cultivating. Maybe we had strong feelings about whatever was unhealthy for us, but letting go will help us level up as a person as well as move forward. Just because things are comfortable, or because we’ve invested lots of time and energy into it, does not mean they are good for us. Mercury Cazimi will make that known in words and thought patterns. Now might be a good time to vent with someone you trust about any changes happening around you. They might be able to provide some insight or distraction that can make moving on a bit less jarring.

Nov. 15th - Venus ingresses into Sagittarius

Venus trades in her slinky, intimate outfit for some adventuring gear! After nearly a month of wrestling the shadows and understanding deeper aspects of our relationships, our desires move toward more jovial exploration. Now that we have a deep understanding of ourselves and our partners or obsessions, it’s time to take them to new heights through new experiences. Instead of dwelling on the past, our relationships can move toward making new experiences to remember and learn from.

Nov. 17th - Mercury ingresses into Sagittarius

Nipping at Venus’ heels is Mercury moving into Sagittarius, the sign of its detriment. While it’s not typically at its strongest here, Mercury in Sag brings a lot of studious curiosity along for the adventure. We may find that words can’t keep up with all the wisdom we’re soaking in, or that communicating and social media limits the points we’re trying to get across. Try to focus less on capturing the moment in words or cell phone pics, and instead live the experience hands-on and fully present. You can write and tell others about the adventure afterward.

Nov. 22nd - Sun ingresses into Sagittarius

Happy Sagittarius season! The Sun catches up with Mercury and Venus in the sign of adventure, experience, and wisdom. While our relationships and communication have already been climbing up that hill, we now direct our full attention and focus on Sagittarian values. As a mutable sign, Sagittarius is all about being adaptable and welcoming of change, and that’s definitely in the air as we shift out of Autumn and into the darkening Winter. We may feel inclined to get out there and get active before it starts to get too cold and dark - perhaps to find the last bits of warmth and light to bring into the home. By all means, allow yourself to be open to new possibilities before settling in for the turn of seasons!

Nov. 23rd - New Moon in Sagittarius

Trine Jupiter in Pisces

The next lunation for the month is a New Moon in Sagittarius. This one has the potential to be quite a positive one, with Jupiter in Pisces trining the Sun and Moon. Jupiter is naturally at home in both Pisces and Sagittarius, so it’s almost as though jovial Jupiter is checking in from his other home in spiritual Pisces to lend some assistance in case things go awry. Now is a lovely time to start new adventures and projects to take us into the wintertime. Follow your heart and boldly go where it takes you - in the words of Miss Frizzle, “Take Chances! Make mistakes! Get messy!” That’s the Sagittarian way of growing intuition and wisdom. The only thing to be aware of is that Jupiter is a planet about growth and expansion - so if there is anything you are trying to get rid of or diminish, you may want to wait.

Nov. 23rd - Jupiter in Pisces stations Direct

Trine Sun in Sagittarius | Trine Moon in Sagittarius | Sextile Pluto in Taurus

In addition to the New Moon, Jupiter is stationing direct today! In retrograde, Jupiter can come off as boundless creativity and inspiration or particularly spiritual experiences, especially when it comes to its home sign of Pisces. While that can be wonderful, this time of intense creativity could have resulted in ideas that were not accepted by others, or that were “too far” beyond the norm. In some cases, it can even be seen as an influx of delirium and confusion. But now, as it stations direct, that intensity subsides, and the flood of unique wisdom and truths returns to a state of normalcy. We can take a collective breath as jovial Jupiter continues its journey forward in a much less “big and looming” way.


As always, check your chart to see what signs and houses all these placements are happening in for you! If you are unsure, you are welcome to e-mail me at to ask any questions or book a reading. If you’re in the area, you can also catch me at The Gypsy Haven in Elgin, IL. I’m always happy to talk starstuff and hopefully provide some insights!

If you want some real insight into your chart and you’re in the Chicagoland area, I’m hosting my first ever in-person workshop at The Gypsy Haven! We’ll be diving into the Lunar Nodes and what that means in terms of our Soul’s Karmic Life Purpose in this lifetime. Plus, there will be a little arts-and-crafts project for you to take home, all materials provided. Part astrology lecture, part craft time, part meditation, you’ll leave feeling peaceful and confident about what you’re here to do. Sign up on their website HERE or in our shop!



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